Avanz Token

by Banco Avanz, S.A.



Avanz Token is an application that together with your password to electronic banking, allows e-banking transactions or Avanz Mobile safely.Characteristics:• Allows you to enter using your fingerprint or by facial recognition, depending on the features of your device• Once configured, it works without internet access• Allows configured on multiple devices and manage them from any of them• Available for legal and natural persons  o In the case of legal persons: apply to authorized firms who possess dual role or approver. Not available for consultation roles and recorder  o In the case of natural persons: applies to holders or authorized signatures. If these do not currently have a physical token, when you configure this application may make transfers and payments.• If you set Avanz Token and has a physical token, it will be disqualifiedrequirements:• Know your access credentials e-banking• To have access to email registered in your customer profileFor more information on this service, visit our website or contact us at 2223-7676 www.avanzbanc.com Option 4.